Summer holidays project
25th May 2019
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The holidays are fast approaching and while many are dreaming of sunny beaches and sandcastles we know that children in our community will be facing food insecurity, isolation and loneliness. In the absence of free school meals and parents struggling with reduced income or childcare costs, the summer can be a difficult time. We are planning to help some families by providing some additional supplies that help children take part in normal summer activities including going on a picnic, having a BBQ or friends round for a sleepover. Bags of food will be packed and delivered in time to get to schools for delivery before the end of term and to do this, we need your help.
We are collecting the following items. They need to be at the foodbank by 30 June 2019 but can be donated through our usual collection points or at the foodbank. If you are a company who would like to organise a collection, we can provide a poster and information sheet and arrange to pick up. Alternatively, if you would like to donate to help cover any food shortfall costs you can donate online.
• Bag for Life
• Tinned hotdogs
• Tomato ketchup
• Icepops (eg Mr Freeze, NOT frozen)
• Chocolate spread/jam
• Corned beef/ham
• Dried apricots/raisins (snack packs)
• Chocolate biscuits (eg Kitkats, Penguins)
• Pringles (or other crisps in a tube)
• Small fruit juice cartons
• Pancake mix
• Hot chocolate (that just needs water)
• Spaghetti hoops
• Jelly mix
• Popcorn
• Cake mix