
Get your pets walking for the foodbank

26th July 2022

Pets are an incredibly important part of the family and even when struggling, people will make sure their pets are fed before themselves. To help, we also provide dog and cat food along with a food parcel when needed.

Can you get your pet walking for the foodbank so that no pets (or their owners) need go hungry?

For the Wagathon 2022 all you need to do is walk 9K with your dog during August and create a fundraising page to get friends and families to support you. Take a picture of your pet and post with the hashtag #foodbankfurryfriends and we’ll make a gallery of all pooches taking part!

Create your fundraising page here.

No pet? No problem, you can still support the Wagathon by donating to the #foodbankfurryfriends page.

Thank you

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