
About our foodbank

Here is an introduction to the Andover foodbank.

The Andover Foodbank was started in March 2006 to provide emergency food boxes to people in crisis in and around Andover.   We operate from a warehouse and office in Alexandra Road.  We employ a part time Head of the Andover Foodbank, Volunteer Manager and a Warehouse Manager, and have more than 60 volunteers.

We are a community based project using resources within the local community to support those in need.  We receive support from churches, schools, groups and companies across Andover and we work with more than 70 local charities and agencies.  In addition to the distribution of food and other items we offer support to help people address the underlying issues behind their crisis.

We also provide work opportunities for local people and have had placements from the Enham Trust and other local organisations.  We welcome work experience students, Duke of Edinburgh placements and we host team days from local companies.  Read our Annual report 2023.

The film below was produced by students from Farleigh School and explains how the Andover Foodbank works by following the journey of Bertie the baked bean can.


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