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2 Sep 22
Help in the cost of living crisis
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The increased cost of living is putting significant pressure on finances, and this can be a very isolating and stressful. There is a range of support and advice available and while it is difficult to ask for help, it is better to act early if you can. Below are a variety of links to sites […]
26 Jul 22
Get your pets walking for the foodbank
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Pets are an incredibly important part of the family and even when struggling, people will make sure their pets are fed before themselves. To help, we also provide dog and cat food along with a food parcel when needed. Can you get your pet walking for the foodbank so that no pets (or their owners) […]
12 Jul 22
QAVS presentation on 12 July 2022
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Volunteers were delighted to gather on 12 July 2022 to receive the QAVS award and certificate from Nigel Atkinson Esq, Lord-Lieutenant. Also present were Major (Retd) Mani Rai MBE DL, Deputy Lieutenant and Tom Floyd Esq, Deputy Lieutenant, past and present volunteers, and representatives from local partner agencies and supporters from the local community. […]
4 Jul 22
Useful information for Ukrainians arriving in Andover
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Some useful documents have been issued: Welcome to Andover Basic English lessons How the NHS works The English lessons are on the following evenings in July: Monday 4th, Thursday 7th, Monday 11th, Thursday 14th and Monday 18th July
2 Jun 22
Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service
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The Andover foodbank volunteers have just been awarded The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service. This is the highest award a local voluntary group can receive in the UK and is equivalent to an MBE. Jamie Symington, Chair, says: ‘I am delighted that the Andover Foodbank has been recognised through this prestigious award. The foodbank has […]
31 May 22
Summer Project 2022
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This summer is looking to be a difficult one for many with the impact of the cost of living crisis. Children living in financially insecure households are at risk of social isolation and loneliness during the long holiday, so we hope to help by providing a bag of treats to help with picnics, sleepovers or […]
15 May 22
10 July 2022 Andover foodbank run
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We are delighted to be partnering with the Muddy Runners this summer with their Abbotts Ann Trail Run! The event is on Sunday 10th July and there is a 10k, 5k and 2k fun run to choose from. To find out all the details and book your place click here.
13 May 22
Вітаємо в Андовері !!!! Welcome to Andover
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Вітаємо в Андовері !!!! Якщо ви приїхали з України , ми будемо раді допомогти вам з їжею , туалетними засобами та іншими предметами особистої гігієни (поки ви чекаєте на державні виплати або шукаєте роботу). Будь ласка звертайтеся за адресою Alexandra Road, Andover SP10 3AD. Ми відриті з понеділка по п’ятницю 9.30-12.30. При собі мати паспорт або […]
5 Jan 22
New Year update
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It was a very busy Christmas period for the Andover foodbank but with generous donations from the community and the hard work of volunteers over 1180 Christmas gift boxes were distributed to children via care workers at local agencies including Children’s Services, Andover Young Carers and a number of primary schools. In addition, more than […]
4 Dec 21
Give a foodbank gift this Christmas
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Our virtual foodbank gifts are available again this year and we’ve added something new! Each of our family Christmas hampers (as well as our standard food boxes all year round) contains a £5 voucher for the Andover market allowing families to buy fresh produce to help them over the festive season. So if you are […]